Corporate Social Responsibility

Ruwa Football Club
Probottlers, Probrands and Prodairy were approached in 2019 by the Ruwa Local Board requesting sponsorship for their local football team. The team comprises a group of talented young men, from ages 25 to 30 years old, all of whom are unemployed. Progroup Ruwa has committed to taking on sponsorship for the season; having only lost one game in the previous season, the team has been promoted to play First Division for the Eastern Region.
Progroup’s sponsorship covers ZIFA affiliation fees for the year, referees fees, technical personnel fees, players allowances, camping fees and transport to away-games.

Tag Rugby Trust
Tag Rugby Trust Zimbabwe has been doing a great job of organising tag rugby games around Zimbabwe.This organisation supports the development of local communities by working with the youth, mostly children ages 8 to 12 years old.
The programme helps build children’s confidence by giving them a safe and healthy environment to learn new skills and disciplines, which enables them to thrive.
We support this initiative in various ways, but also by sharing our products and beverages with the players and supporters that attend the matches.

National Blood Transfusion Service
Prodairy is a partner to the National Blood Transfusion Services and has supported them with donations of various beverages that are utilised in their school blood drives. The National Blood Transfusion Service holds regular blood camps at the Prodairy premises where employees are given an opportunity to donate blood. Despite the disruptions of the Covid-19 pandemic, several such drives were held during this period.

Hospitals and Old Aged Homes
The other key Corporate Social Responsibility program that Prodairy has championed is regular donations of food to hospitals and old age homes. The local hospitals that have benefited from this are Sally Mugabe and Parirenyatwa hospitals. The old age homes that Prodairy has supported are Save Old Age People, Ondine Francis Trust, Flame Lily, Lodge Scotia and Westreign Homes.